Events » To Be

To Be

June 16, 2023

8:30 pm

- 4:00 pm



Event overview

Getting unstuck, to be at ease Refreshed perspectives to move on with ease. 1-day Nature or Systemic Constellations in Athy Free places: details and how to apply on A Constellation is an experiential process. Participants bear witness how, unconsciously, their ways are influenced by the groups they belong to. Often, handed down to us from generation to generation. The culture in our workplace, the environmental places we live in, the habits in our family, the stories that keep the groups we belong to ‘together’ - these all may have served some purpose in the past. They may no longer serve us today. Throughout the year we hold Nature Constellations and Systemic Constellations. On each day 3 separate Constellations are set from participants queries. The process brings insight and clarity to everyone involved. Fellow participants are asked to be representatives in a query, but there is no obligation. Systemic Constellations, processes patterns we have adopted from moving in our workplace. The day gives great insight in and release from how cultural dynamics, often unspoken and unrecognised, hold us back. Queries from participants can be about their actual workplace or the larger area concerned, like ‘ecology’, ‘education’, ‘health’, ‘justice’ and such. Dates in 2023: 18 May, 27 July, 14 September and 9 November. Nature Constellations, reconnect us to being part of, rather than being separate from nature. Specific nature queries around animals, farms, environment, placing of buildings or layout of gardens or with larger areas like ‘climate change’ or ‘community development’ can be brought. Seemingly ‘human’ query often become enlightened by including the full ecological perspective. Weather permitting, we work outdoors. Dates in 2023: 20 May, 29 July, 16 September and 11 November. After the process of a Constellation, we do not analyse the experience. We may say a few words, but in essence this is an experiential day. More good things to know: ➢ Includes homemade soup from local produce, with a slice of bread; access to coffee/tea/water. ➢ Days run from 08:30-16:00 to facilitate train-times; sharing materials, resources & further reading digitally + a recycled paper notebook & plant-made pen. ➢ Held in a multifunctional building Athy Community Arts Centre. ➢ Delivered by Petra Oorthuijs, who has over 35 years of experience in holding safe spaces for training, coaching, constellations and lecturing across Ireland and abroad. Book now on Please pass on to anyone; especially those who eligible for free use of toBE services

How to make a reservation

Be heard, seen & acknowledged Strengthening authentic Confidence and Assertiveness 1-day Personal or Professional Presence in Athy Free places: details and how to apply on By practicing and applying theatre-based techniques you will be able to adapt your voice, posture, energy and language for the desired impact with those you interact with. You will learn how to prepare effectively through a simple to use, focussed method. Your trainer, Petra Oorthuijs, contacts each participant in advance to ensure the content is tailored to your story, your level of skill & learning need. You will be asked to bring a real-life scenario to practice on. These action-based workshops focus on physical development using Actor training, Alexander Technique, Breathwork and Presence skills. Your under-used skills, those you didn’t realise you had, will be strengthened. You will move with move confidence and have a platter of techniques to assert who and how you wish to be present. Workplace Presence is for professional development. Attend if you need important workplace audiences to remember you & your message: in interviews, presentations, performance reviews or other stakeholder engagements. You will have Presence and Impact with ease, even in challenging moments. Dates in 2023: 24 May, 2 August, 28 September and 23 November Personal Presence is for personal development. Attend if you need to build confidence, assertiveness and clarity with friends & family, particularly in challenging interactions. You will find ease in being and staying Present. Dates in 2023: 27 May, 4 August, 30 September and 25 November More good things to know: ➢ Includes homemade soup from local produce, with a slice of bread; access to coffee/tea/water. ➢ Days run from 08:30-16:00 to facilitate train-times, sharing materials, resources & further reading digitally + a recycled paper notebook & plant-made pen. ➢ Held in a multifunctional building Athy Community Arts Centre. ➢ Delivered by Petra Oorthuijs, who has over 35 years of experience in theatre-based training, coaching, and lecturing across Ireland and abroad. Book now on Please pass on to anyone; especially those who eligible for free use of

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